Hager Bocchiotti


Hager Bocchiotti  is specialized in the production and marketing of protection devices, distribution and automation panels, home and building automation, integrated conduit systems, plastic switchboards and enclosures, tubes, sleeves, and installation components. It was created to integrate the commercial activities of two companies already part of the Hager Group and to present itself to the market as a single organization, leveraging synergies and enhancing its offerings


As a new company born from the integration of two historic businesses, Hager Bocchiotti needed to increase and consolidate its positioning in the target market, capitalizing on the synergies resulting from the integration of the business operations of its constituent entities


The strategy developed by Pragmatika primarily involved media channels (both traditional and digital) that, in the electrical, industrial, building automation, and security sectors, serve as authoritative channels of communication with business communities. The activation of press events (interviews, press briefings, press conferences) and press office activities were systematically accompanied by the creation of editorial content and public relations activities aimed at consolidating brand awareness.


Operators, distribution channels, installers, and system integrators were promptly informed about the new entity. The production and dissemination of content to target media significantly shortened the repositioning time of the new company, providing the opportunity to illustrate all the potential of the new integrated offering platform.


Alla fine, ci pare giusto conoscerci. Ci trovate qui.


+39 051 6242214


Via Vittoria, 5B – 40068
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)

Via Vittoria, 5 b – 40068 – San Lazzaro (Bologna) – Tel: 0516242214 – Fax: 0516245644
C.F./P.IVA: 02088551201 – Iscritta al registro delle Imprese di Bologna
Iscritta al R.E.A. di Bologna n° 412531
Capitale Sociale Sottoscritto Euro 16.000.00 interamente versato
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Web Design: Mollusco&balena